Tuesday, December 27, 2011

To apply the surcharge or Not

Interesting comment from a guest this morning about being charged a surchrge at a local eatery for having a meal on boxing day and having to pay a 15% surcharge as well as his bill. He found it strange that there was not a price that was charged all year round. He was not saying don't cover you costs - he was merely saying include your one off holiday pricing in your everyday prices and then you would not have two sets of prices and having to tell contented patrons that they have to pay a surcharge (this put a little downer on the meal even though it was very good) - I think he has a valid point.

It's more than a little odd that some areas of business charge a surcharge and others don't/can't. Imagine what would happen if hotelliers/ motelliers had to tell guests that on certain days they would be paying a room rate plus a surcharge - it would not happen as guests would vote with their feet and either book somewhere where there was no surcharge or come on a different day

To me it is simpler to ammertize the additional costs across everyday pricing and have one price with everything included and it presents a more positive approach to clients.

Imagine if supermarkets, convenience stores, liquor stores etc all had the same policy of charging a surcharge on a certain day - no one shop in their stores on that day unless they were desparate as no one in their right mind wants to pay any more than they need to.

May be we should be looking at this from the customer's perception as untimately he has the final say.

For more information on Waihi Beach Lodge packages www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/specials.html 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

waihibeachinfo face book page

Waihi Beach now has its own facebook page - check out the link below and like it, plus share it with your friends.


Merry Xmas one and all.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Charlie - the Information Caravan

Great to see the new information centre for Waihi Beach taking shape - what a great addition to Waihi Beach.

 Charlie will add real value by providing visitors accurate information covering where to stay, what to see and do and where to eat plus much more.

Located in Wilson Rd just in front of the Police station Charlie will be easy to find.

Special thanks to those locals who have contributed their time or their services to get Charlie up and running and to the WBOPDC and the Community Board for funding the fit out.

To find more information about Waihi Beach http://www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Xmas comes to Waihi Beach

All around Waihi Beach Pohutukawa trees are starting to blossom and their colour is stunning - both crimson and yellow- telling us Xmas is not too far away.

Also there are decorated Xmas trees everywhere and there are homes with lots of lights outside that shine and flicker at night - all to celebrate Xmas. Some are set up to depict a Xmas scene while others are just patterned lights - but beautiful all the same.

For more images of Wiahi Beach www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/photos.html

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bird call

Kowhai tree in bloom
Does anyone out there know anything about bird calls and indentifying birds.

For about 2 weeks we have had this bird around our place making a call we think to try and attract a partner to no avail.The call is somewhat tui like but definetely not what you normally hear from a tui. The bird itself looks like a tui from a distance - not having been able to get close and it sits in all the known tui habitats - norfolk pines, banksias etc.

The bird call itself is quite long with 6 or 7 notes and it is almost as if the bird has lost its mate and is deperately looking for it - my interpretation here.

Any help or ideas would be appreciated.

Photography competition for Waihi Beach

image Peter Levshin

We have all heard the saying "pictures say 1000 words" and we all know that having good photography enhances whatever we are trying to sell or promote immensley.

Shortly we will telling you about a photo competition for Waihi Beach - showcasing our little piece of paradise though images and video. Here is the chance for locals and visitors alike to take their image and show the community how they see Waihi Beach through their "photographic eye"

Watch this space for more details.

For more images of Waihi Beach check out  www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/photos.html

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Waihi Beach walks

Over the last few weeks we have had guests from the UK, Portugal, India, Australia and the USA with a few kiwis  thrown in and they have all commented on how beautiful Waihi Beach is and how lucky we are to be living here.

Many have done the Orakawa Bay walk and come back full of "wows" and it's right on our door step.

We had one couple do the homanga walk - they fell in love with the beauty and scenery in general - "paradise" is how they described it.

For more information on walks in and around Waihi Beach www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/activities.html

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Activities at Waihi Beach

Guests at Waihi Beach Lodge have all sorts of options available for them to do while they are in our piece of paradise here at Waihi Beach.

They can
  • walk in the Karangahake gorge and see gold mining history from the late 1800's 
  • walk over to Orakawa Bay & back
  • walk from Homunga back to Waihi Beach
  • they can visit the gold mine up in Waihi or take a mine tour.
  • picnic up at Anzac Bay or on the beach
  • they can take a fishing charter and go fishing for the day
  • play golf at one of the local courses
  • chill and relax on the beach
  • they can also hire a Harley or be a pillion passenger and do a trip around The Coromandel
For more info on activities here at Waihi Beach www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/activities.html

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Waihi Beach -stay for 3 pay for 2 promotion

It is wonderful news that almost all the oil is now off the Rena and not going to cause trouble for one and all anymore on our beaches.

We are fortunate here at Waihi Beach that very little oil came our way although we may have the odd bit get washed up on the beach over time its nothing compared to Papamoa or Mount Maunganui

Special thanks to Maritime NZ and all their helpers and volunteers who have done a sterling job in overseeing the salvage operation and the clean up of the beaches further south. A big thank you to to the folk who have cleaned up the birdlife and saved many penguins and other birds who got caught up in oil.

Waihi Beach Lodge is taking part in the promotional plan to bring more visitors back to the Bay of Plenty as many have stayed away feeling that the beaches were not able to be used. It is now not the case and for us at the beach thankfully our beach has not been effected at all and has been open to visitors throughout.

Our offer is stay 3 nights for the price of 2  available until December 22nd 2011

For more info on Waihi Beach Lodge specials - www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/specials.html

Friday, November 11, 2011


Anzac Bay
Lest we forget!

We owe the people who went to war on our behalf a great debt of gratitude for fighting for freedom and democracy
We are so lucky they chose to take up the fight and we have what we have today because of it - stunning Waihi Beach amongst other things and what a glorious day for the armistace day remembrance.

We should never forget the efforts put in on our behalf - we will remember them!

 Several couples decided today was the day to get married here at Waihi Beach - they will never forget their anniversaries and for them it could not have been scripted better in a great location.

For more info on honeymoons at Waihi Beach - www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/specials.html

Monday, November 7, 2011

Waihi Beach 30 minute Clean Up

Jim the Jelly Fish
There is a new campaign running at Waihi Beach - 30 minute Clean up - every 2nd Sunday of the month starting Sunday November 13th @ 9.30am - meet in the Flat White Carpark 21 Shaw Rd Waihi Beach

The aim is to clean up and keep clean our beach and remove any debris and rubbish that is either dropped, left or tossed whilst out at sea. Bags and gloves provided. Jim the Jelly fish was created from some of the debris saved recently.

Refreshments are provided each month - if you want to contribute -
contact Jane Jolly - info@30minutecleanup.co.nz

What happens to the rubbish. The suitable rubbish is sorted and retained for a wearable arts/jewellery competition that you will hear about in the near future.

For more info http://www.30minutecleanup.co.nz/

For more info on Waihi Beach Lodge's sustainability  check out www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/hosts.html

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fantastic Flowers from Waihi Beach florist

Recently we had to organise some flowers for a guest who was having a birthday so we got in touch with Beach Blooms and they arranged delivery.The daughter of the guest arranged with us to have the flowers delivered on her mums birthday and it went down a treat

The flowers were stunning and typically New Zealand and the guest was over the moon.

If you want to find our more about honeymoon packages or any other special  packages check out

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

RWC 2011 - guest comments

We have had many comments via email since the RWC 2011 final from guests from all around the world.

From Germany "We’ve watched the great Game of  the All Blacks against France a few minutes ago. Maybe we are a little bit European but we feel like Kiwis. Congratulations to all New Zealands for winning the world championship"

From Paris "Congratulations, this victory is so well deserved!! The All Blacks were not necessarily the best during this last game but they finally won because they globally deserved this cup"

I received a call this morning asking what the hell were the All Blacks doing cutting it so close - this was from an Australian who lives in the US - he had  bets on with his mates and he was backing the All Blacks.I point was just enough.

Another from Paris "I was really happy that France and NZ were finalists of that Rugby World Cup.
And I'm so happy that the Blacks got that victory today!! They diserved it so much!!"
Just goes to show how the RWC was able to get folk all round the world thinking about New Zealand and they had all stayed with us at Waihi Beach over the last year or two - fantastic!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

RWC 2011 Final

                                                            Go The All Blacks

Nervously excited and quietly confident - can't wait for the game tonight!

Rena Oil Spill

Image Mike Hill photography

Relieved that the spill is being contained at this stage and fortunate the spill is not heading our way.

Great to see that the rate of getting the oil off the boat has improved markedly.The salvos and experts are doing a great job in trying conditions.

Huge thanks to all the volunteers who have given up their time and expertise to date to help clear the beaches and the ocean/streams of oil.

For more information on activities at Waihi Beach www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/activities.html

Monday, October 17, 2011

Waihi Beach and Rena Oil Spill

Yesterday along with approx 30 other Waihi Beach residents I went along to the Bowentown Boating Club to be trained as a volunteer in helping clean up the beach.

Following the Saturday meeting it was great to see action in getting prepared in case the oil heads our way.It is vital we keep our beach, our harbour pristine and free from oil.

For more information on the oil spill www.waihibeachinfo.co.nz/waihi_beach_community_info.html

RWC 2011 semi final win for the AB's v Australia


A great win against the boys from across the ditch and done in style. The AB's forwards did the job upfront and the rest is history. The Aussie forwards spent a fair bit of time going backwards especially in scrums the more the game went on and some of the tackling was deadly - no tries scored against them.

We hear there may be a few RWC 2011 players and coaches from other countries in and around the beach for the next while as those who are no longer involved get some welll deserved R & R and they could not have come to a better place to do just that.

For more on what to see and do at the beach www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/activities.html

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Rena Oil Spill update

Went to a meeting yesterday in Waihi Beach to get the latest on the oil spill.
The head of Maritime NZ  covered of how the grounding happened and where the oil was on the boat - hundreds of tons in about 5 different places and a real mission to get off the boat and totally weather dependent.Maritime NZ had done imaging to plot where the oil was likely to go and whew the weather and tide gods are smiling on us here at Waihi Beach.

Also at the meeting was a marine scientists from Waikato University who covered off the effects to bird life, the echo system and fish and shell fish.

Great to hear from both that the priority is oil, oil oil and getting it off the boat.

At Waihi Beach we are sooo lucky the currents and tides are taking the oil spill south towards Whakatane.Doesn't sound right saying we are lucky at some other regions expense - probably fortunate is a better word.

It was great to see at the meeting groups taking ownership - the coastguard, the local marae, the boating club  all doing their bit to look after our beach and our waters watching for any signs of oil.

For more information on the oil spill www.waihibeachinfo.co.nz/waihi_beach_community_info.html

Saturday, October 15, 2011

RWC Semi Final winners

                                                                File:France Rugby Logo.svg
French guests @ Waihi Beach Francis and Anne Marie

Allez Les Bleu - not sure how tthe French made it but they are there in the RWC 2011 finals and they made it against gallant 14 Welsh players. Not sure if the French even knew Wales only had 14 -  as at times they played like Wales had the same number as them - ( for probably 50 of the 60 minutes) but that is sport.

Hold your heads up high Wales - you did your country proud.

Kia Kaha Wales

Ka Kite Ano

Go the AB's v Australia

Friday, October 14, 2011

RWC 2011 - Semi Finals

                           Wallabies at Rugby World Cup 2011

                 File:France Rugby Logo.svg       Wales

This weekend will see 4 teams become two with the winners going to the finals and the losers playing off for third and fourth.

Go the AB's - winning by 1 pt is enough but I am picking by 6 -10. I hope the Aussies are that sore from last week they will get even more battered by the AB's and struggle up front.

I am picking Wales to win the other semifinal with my head and my heart says France as we still owe France plenty from previous RWC's.

To date we have had guests from South Africa, Australia, England, Ireland & France and they have been high in their praise of New Zealand and Kiwis - so friendly and welcoming. Our guests last night were commenting how many South Sfrican supporters there are around - in their case in the same cafe as they too were South African supporters.

It is marvellous that all these supporters found their way to Waihi Beach to receive some real Kiwi hospitality.

Intriguing to that 3 of the 4 teams are coached by Kiwis & great that 1 has a connection to Waihi Beach.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Rena grounding and Waihi Beach

The Rena grounding at the Astrolab reef is a disaster for fishos and divers alike not to mention the communities up and down the BOP coast who are potentail recipients of the spilled oil that is starting to darken our coastal shores. The echological damage to the reef and the surrounding coast will not be able to be adequately measured with time being the only healer.

For locals who have time to lend a hand check out the webpage below for your options www.waihibeachinfo.co.nz/waihi_beach_community_info.html

Astrolabe reef is a favourite fishing spot of  Ali  - she caught a large kingfish there (65kg's)  back in the day and has fished there many times with great memories of good fishing - will it ever be the same again? Will it ever recover?

What about the oil that is leaking onto our coastline - how are we placed to deal with that. If it reaches Waihi Beach do we have a plan to deal with it - I am not aware of a plan - I'd love to know what it is if there is one.

We all know what a paradise we have here at the beach and what we think of our marvellous coastline - lets hope we don't have to have to clean oil from our beaches this far north. You only need to look at the BP spill in the US and the damage done to the nearby coast, marine life,birds and fishing to get an idea of the scale potentially of what we have on our doorstep!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bathurst V8's - Waihi Beach

Great to see support for the famous race this weekend is alive and kicking here at Waihi Beach.

Our neighbour is a petrol head and obviously supports both camps - me I am Ford through and through.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

RWC 2011 - rugby followers from around the world come to Waihi Beach

              Image Mike Hill photography
It is really pleasing to see so many rugby mad overseas visitors who have found their way to Waihi Beach on their way around New Zealand. Most visitors are one team or others supporters but there are some who have been to pool games of other teams just to get the atmosphere and vibe of RWC 2011.

What has been great to hear is the compliments about New Zealaners and about all the towns they have visited - comments like how friendly kiwis are and each town really gets into the spirit of the RWC - does not matter where you go.

To date at Waihi Beach lodge we have had French, Irish, English, Australian and South African supporters and most have also spent time in and around Waihi, Waihi Beach, the Karangahake gorge and up the Coromandel on a day trips. On the rainy Monday recently we had one couple who went to Waitomo and thoroughly enjoyed themselves doing the spellbound tour of Waitomo caves.Even though the weather was not so flash earlier in the week  everyone checked out our beach and thought we were so lucky to be living here - we agreed.

One comment from many of the english was that our spring weather was better than the summers they have been getting over the last few years although whilst they have been over here they have had balmy 29 degrees in London.

To find Waihi Beach www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/map.html

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rugby Fans and RWC 2011

We can learn a lot about how to be a fan from the French & the Irish.

This guy was passionate about his team even when they were not on the winning side of the score line during the game.

We have had French and Irish guests fo far - all very enthusiastic and passionate about their team. Their countries fans have contributed majorly to the great atmospheres at Eden Park and various venues. Take a look at the enthusiasm and passion that the Argentinians have for their team and you will see how we can learn to be great fans win, loose or draw and still have a beer or two after with the opposing fans.

To find out more about RWC 2011 accommodation at Waihi Beach Lodge http://www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/

Monday, September 26, 2011

All Blacks v France Eden Park RWC 2011

Scenes prematch at the All Blacks V France RWC 2011 match at Eden Park - the French really know how to get along and support their team. The costumes and the nationalistic pride was there for all to see - not sure where mickey mouse and superman fit in but hey they were happy

The atmosphere at the ground was special - you could feel the support from both the French and New Zealand supporters for their teams.

For more info on accommodation for RWC 2011 at Waihi Beach Lodge http://www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Waihi Beach

              Orakawa Bay

Great to see a fabulous shot of Waihi Beach in issue 36 page 14 of the Arrivals magazine - the guide to New Zealand. The image shows off Waihi Beach perfectly as a family relaxes on the beach while a youngster has a swing on a rope hung from a tree.

For more images of Waihi Beach www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/photos.html

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Waihi Beach & Honeymoons

Image Mike Hill Photography
In the last few weeks we had more honeymooners - this time Indians from the UK - a match of London & Birmingham stoping off in NZ on their way to Bora Bora.The bride new nothing of where they were going on their honeymoon until the night before they left as it was a surprise and NZ was on their bucket list.

Not sure what it is about Waihi Beach but it must be a combination of the magical beach and the surrounding reas where there is plenty to see and do.These guys just loved the peacefulness of Waihi Beach and the sounds of the waves breaking on the shore

They also did a day trip up the Coromandel  - up to Hot Water Beach and Cathedral Cove as well as looking at Whitianga, Onemana and Whangamata - the Hot Water Beach opportunity was from 6.30am - 10.30am so they left here at 7am to be there by 9and were amazed at what they experienced.

For more information on honeymoons at Waihi Beach check out www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/specials.html

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Great Sporting weekend for New Zealand

I minutes silence pre game for the Christchurch earthquake and the Tsunami in Japan

It has been a great sporting weekend in NZ. The All blacks beat Japan, The Warriors beat The Tigers and Ireland beat the Wallabies  and Marina Erakovich is in her first tennis singles final on a global stage- what more could you ask for????

Both the RWC 2011 and the NRL finals make compelling watching with NZ teams doing well up to this stage.Fingers crossed for the Warriors against the Storm next week and the AB's as they progress forward through pool games - especially against France.

We have been to 2 RWC matches to date and the atmosphere has been amazing - everyone wearing some form of gear to show who they are supporting. Also interesting is the number of kids at each game considering there are no kids priced tickets and also fans from other countries/teams who want to watch the All Blacks play even if their own team is not playing.

For more info on RWC accommodation here at Waihi Beach - http://www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/

Friday, September 16, 2011

Waihi Beach - RWC 2011

Marvellous to see Waihi Beach featuring on TV 1 last night as part of the hosting of the Welsh supporters in NZ while the Rugby World Cup is on. John and Kay Morgan - well done for putting up your fantastic property on the beach - lets hope we see plenty of the Welsh supporters in and around the village and any other countries supporters as well.

Great also to see some retailers getting into the spirit with their flags - it really adds to the feeling that we have a world cup happening right throughout the country not just in the big cities.

For more info on accommodation for RWC 2011 - http://www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cone watch update

After 3 or 4 days of really strong and persistent winds coming from the west the cones in the island view norfolk pines are still intact although the cone part way up has moved considerably around the tree.

For more information on Waihi Beach http://www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/

Monday, September 12, 2011

RWC 2011 Opening

Images from the opening ceremony for the RWC 2011 amd the opening game AB's v Tonga

Awesome opening ceremony and a game of two halves with great atmosphere.

For more info on accommodation for RWC 2011 http://www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/

Friday, September 9, 2011

RWC 2011

Off to the opening game of the RWC 2011 and really excited. This is my 3rd World Cup as I have been to the first one and the one in 2007 in France and Wales.

Was in Auckland yesterday for a meeting down in and around the Wynyard quarter down at the waterfront - it was buzzing and you could see things were starting to happen.

Looking forward to a great night

Go the AB's

For more on the RWC 2011 http://www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sunshine coast critters and Waihi Beach

Just back from 10 days on the Sunshine coast - great place to relax with some sun on your back. 22 /23 degree days and plenty of swimming - not in the ocean but in a semi heated pool - great all the same.

Running round while we were there were several critters we don't have here at Waihi Beach - thank heavens for that - a blue tongue lizzard and this was a small one. On previous visits we had seen much larger jurassic park like creatures and we kept right way from them - we were told they were harmless but we were totally unfamiliar with them and at first sight they looked a tad prehistoric

What many visitors to NZ and in turn Waihi Beach do not understand is we don't have anything in the wild that is likely to kill you - quite different from Oz where they have snakes and crocs to name a couple

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sunrise Beach Noosa & Waihi Beach

Ali & I went to Sunrise beach, just round the point from Noosa itself, the other day to our favourite lookout spot to see if we could spot any whales that are normally around at this time of the year, No luck but we did see a couple of work ups - probabaly tuna or some thing similar not far off shore.

 We heard an aussie talking to his mate on the phone telling him about the tuna work ups saying get the surf caster out but super man would have struggled to reach them - the closest work up was approx 500 metres from the shore - it was more like a kayak then a fish to us - but thats aussies for ya

Sunrise beach and Castaways beach are much like Waihi Beach - both are part of a long peninsula and in total look approx the same length. Both are white golden sandy beaches and have surf all year round - much like Waihi Beach,

For more information on Waihi Beach www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Warriors & The Australian media

We are over in Australia at present and have seen several rugby league preview shows and you would not know the Warriors are in the top 4 let alone playing this weekend with any chance of a win. I know the aussies are one eyed but this is over the top and cynically I am not really surprized- NZ are World cup champions and Tri nation champions but it counts for jack with the aussies!

The Warriors are travelling under the radar and the longer the aussies neglect them the better= bigger fools them.

Great sporting weekend V Australia for the kiwi teams - go the AB's and go the Warriors

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Waihi Beach and RWC 2011

Now that the All Black team for RWC 2011 has been named it is important we get in beind our team and give them 100% support. They are our team and they represent us and need our support

With an estimated 95,000 visitors coming to New Zealand we need to show any of them that make to the beach our great kiwi hospitality and make them welcome - we have a special piece of paradise and we can showcase it to the visitors in the only way we lnow - the kiwi way.

We are likely to have guests from all participating countries having a look around our country so its a real chance to leave them with a positive memory that says you need to come back here as this place is special.

We have guests coming from Ireland , South Africa, France, UK and Australia that we know of and we'll be doing our best to make them feel welcome and we 'll show them some great beach hospitality.

For more information on Waihi Beach http://www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Waihi Beach - light catching the clouds

Saw this the other night as the light really caught the clouds and set up a stunning sky - just part of the package when you live in our little piece of pardise here at Waihi Beach.

For more photos of Waihi Beach www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/photos.html

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Oklahoma USA to Waihi Beach

                 Orakawa Beach

Had some guests from Oklahoma USA over the weekend sharing our little piece of paradise here at Waihi Beach. He a hunter gatherer and she a health specialist looking to come,work and live in New Zealand.

They were impressed with New Zealand's scenery - the stunning coast we have,  the quality of our food and here at Waihi Beach our magnificent beach with its many different types of shells and at night seeing all the different stars.

It was amazing to hear hunting stories of animals we only read about- mountain lions, grizzly bears, moose,pigs, elk, wapiti, squirrels  and much more - they eat the lot and don't think twice about it.

I showed him our fishing torpedo - really captured his imagination and attention - never seen anything like it and was keen to hear how they worked.

They headed off this morning for Taupo and more New Zealand exploring

To find Waihi Beach www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/map.html

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mike Hill Photography & Waihi Beach

photo credit Mike Hill
Great to see Mike Hill recognized for his efforts at the recent national photograhic awards in Rotorua. He is some photographer with an eye for a great shot.

If you have seen Mike in action he covers some mileage when working a wedding - trying to capture the moment without it being staged so it is very natural.

His shots do capture the moment - a couple of funny ones come to mind - his daughter Chilli captured with her head coming through the cat door - very Chilli, and another a shot of a brother and sister lying together with the brother having his finger up his sisters nose - typical brotherly thing to do and a great shot - not what was part of the original commission but came out amongst the shots taken.

Well done Mike & Andrea - a great asset to Waihi Beach!

For more shots of Waihi Beach www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/photos.html

Monday, August 15, 2011

Waihi Beach - winter kicks in- Sleet

This arrived this afternoon at 1 30pm - sleet and ice particles flying through the air - initially thought it was hail but it looked nothing like hail and was a different shape. The grape vine tells me there was snow on the Kaimais this morning a well.

Waihi Beach Fresh Produce Market & Winter

The Waihi Beach Fresh Produce Market continues through the winter on every second and fourth sundays of the month from 9am until mid day opposite the pub.

We are indebted to the stall holders who continue to support the market at the beach through winter. Despite icy cold winds, rain and sometimes wet underfoot conditions there are a core group that keep turning up - a big thank you to them.

Also a big thank you to the wider Waihi and Waihi Beach communities who support our produce market - we still need your support and please note we will be having the market weekly from Labour Weekend onwards.

For more info on activities at Waihi Beach www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/activities.html

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Visitors to Waihi Beach

                                                         photo supplied by Robyn Garth

Look what was seen lazing on Waihi Beach yesterday - just lazing in the sun - what a life.

Hopefully he/she was left alone to do whatever seals do

To find out more of what to do at Waihi Beach www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/activities.html

Friday, August 12, 2011

Waihi Beach - Technology

I was speaking to Rus Holland our website guru and was mentioning about needing to convert an item on our website into a PDF as we don't have a PDF writer on our computer.He suggested to go to PDF995.com and it was a free down load.

I am computer literate a little and not a computer wiz but the download and application was so easy and now the articles on Waihi Beach on our activities webpage are in PDF - thanks Rus for the tip.

To read the articles on Waihi Beach from either the NZ Herald or the Sunday Star Times check out