Monday, November 1, 2010

Herbs and summer veges

Managed to dig the ground over last week and we are ready to go - well sort of. Just need a well thought out plan as to what goes where.Have also added compost from the compost bin - been fermenting for 6 - 12 months so looks reasonable so hopefully will do the job.

We have 2 small garden patches so I think we'll have the herbs, capsicum etc at the back door patch where we can get easy access and the balance of our plants - lettuces and spring onions down in our other patch behind the garage.Ali may have other summer veges she wants to plant - will check when she get's home.

Out cherry, tomatoes have been planted for a wee while - at least a week or so as have parsley and chives. Will co plant (companion planting they call it now) basil along side the cherry tomatoesas apparently tomatoes love basil. I know with cooking that basil really adds to tomatoes but didn't know about the companion planting.

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