Monday, May 21, 2012

Waihi Beach Lodge and Steph the Heart Racer

Last week my niece Stephanie contacted me to advise she was running a half marathon and fundraising for the Heart Foundation in memory of my daughter Kim. Steph and Kim  had a great connection being approx the same age and starting uni at the same time and were becoming more than just cousins - really good mates.

Steph has a webpage and is fundrasing in many ways- pledges etc but also she is going to run an auction on Trademe auctioning off a package of 2 nights luxury accommodation  and gourmet breakfasts at Waihi Beach Lodge and a 2 hour Harley ride courtesy of Ali & Baz @ Bularangi Harley Tours - total value of the whole package is approx $890.00.

Check out Stephs webpage 

I will put on the link to the auction as soon as its available.

For more info check out  for more details

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