Friday, June 8, 2012

Waihi Beach & the Rena oil spill

It is really pleasing to read in the NZ Herald today that the recovery from the Rena oil spill back in October on Astrolabe reef is going really well.Scientists working on the Rena recovery believe that the Bay of Plenty environment has battled well back from the oil spill disaster.

A group of scientists and academics have been working on a study and say "early results are promising" and they feel that the BOP missed out on the worst of the disaster because salvors managed to get most of the oil off the stricken boat before it had a chance to come ashore.That is a big relief for all in the BOP region!

A key area of concern is still Astrolabe reef where there are valleys, caves and eeep drop offs teeming with marine life. Samples are being collected ansd analysed to determine indications of the effects.

Source NZ Herald June 8th 2012

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