Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Breakfasts conversations

Over breakfast recently we had a very awkward conversation initiated by an Australian about race - Maoris, Pacific Islanders all being the same and she could not tell them apart. At the table, along with the Australian guests was a Samoan New Zealand guest with his German partner and ourselves.We explained there were quite a few differences starting with their appearance, accents etc. Our Samoan guest explained the visual differences as he saw them whilst our Australian guest said "they all looked the same to me". We led the conversation away from where it was heading into far more neutral ground.

The conversation was amazingly insensitive -we were suprized at such blunt observations considering the initiator had only just met her fellow guests. It occurred to us maybe it was to do with our well integrated New Zealand population (when compared to some other countries) that we don't ever have the need to remark on it. We have a multicultural society made up from folk from all over the globe and we are all better off because of it. We should be appreciating and enjoying the differences as it adds to the colour and flare of our wonderful country.

To enjoy a wonderful breakfast at Waihi Beach Lodge http://www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/

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