Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Waihi & Waihi Beach - The Nugget

Great event on the weekend to showcase Waihi and Waihi Beach. The weather could not have been better although I am sure the athletes would have liked it a bit cooler as the day warmed up.

I was a marshall for the day - out in a cow paddock behind the underground mine next to where all the tailings are dumped behind Baxter Rd. My job was to make athletes aware of the gate they ahd to get themselves and their bikes through and also to make them aware of the drain right on the otherside of the gate they had to head through. I was positioned at the top of  a hill  so I could see athletes coming or not as the case may be.

We had runners and bikers miss the turning - not see signs and end up having to jump fences to get back onto the course, a couple of ladies missed the turn up the hill - "too much talking" they said.
We had competitors who were so relaxed and so comfortable they could have kept going for many more hours - I was in awe - imagine running like that!

Great to see some who walked the course - especially the families who looked like desendants of some nordick tribe complete with their walking sticks(poles)

For more info on activities at Waihi and Waihi Beach www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/activities.html

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