Saturday, March 12, 2011

Guests caught in the Christchurch earthquake - full of praise for Kiwis

We have just received an email  from a couple of  guests  who had been staying with us in Waihi Beach early February - they have just got home to the US but their story after leaving us is remarkable - they got caught up in the Christchurch earthquake and as such were part of the initial rescue effort - successfully  rescuing some and not so lucky with others. They had to stay in Hagley park for a couple of  days and 1 night - you would have thought " some holiday as they lost everything" but they are the lucky ones as they are alive - you can replace most possessions.

Their humility for what they have been part of is amazing as is their love of New Zealand and Kiwis in general - here is a snippet of what they had to say  to us"The thing we remember and cherish most is how extraordinarily wonderful NZ folks were to us. Not only before, but after the quake, the kindness, concern, care, generosity that was extended to us was truly humbling. We are really in awe of the spirit and humanity of all the NZ folks we met."

for more info on what our guests are saying

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