Monday, March 7, 2011

Overseas visitors getting poor service

Over the last few weeks we have heard several horror stories from guests about the poor service they recieved from seeming reputable providers mainly from Auckland city and Auckland International airport service providers.

One set of guests were put in a hotel room right on the floor directly above a night club and their lounge room window opened into the hotels gym. After complaining several times about the on going noise from 11.30pm until 2am they were shifted many floors up - 7 - into a new room - why weren't they put there in the first place and save the hassle?

Another arrived into Auckland International airport late at night and decided to stay in Auckland for the night and asked  at the Auckland help desk for advice on a hotel - and he was prepared to pay whatever the cost for a nice hotel - he was sent to a hotel that had "women in bikinis outside" and the guest had also asked for a hotel that had cafes close by that he could have breakfast in. The hotel above did have cafes close by but they did not open in the morning for breakfast as their trade obviously was with the nightlife.The guest was annoyed at the advice he was given as the person giving the advice seemed to just want to get rid of him and his accommdation problem but in turn created an unhappy customer who has/will tell many others about his poor experience.

Rental car companies - one set of guests when collecting their car asked for a map - sorry we have run out was the reply - just slack!

Another was not shown around his car  to check for scratches /dents etc nor given advice as to how to get on the motorway south - what would have happened if there were claims/queries later as nothing was agreed prior- just slack!

Another rental car compnay did not show up at all - their competitors had to show the guest where to get the keys and paper work.You could not complain about the service - there wasn't any!

We recently had guests that came to us from a B & B that did everything perfectly - except they did not service the room during the day - they left it to the guests to do their own servicing - they really missed a trick here as our experience is that guests enjoy returning to see their rooms made up again , rubbish taken away and everything tidy  - perhaps with even a little surprise of some home baking left to have with a cup of something.The 95% they did perfecly was undone by the 5% they did not do at all.

Another set of guests arrived late into their city hotel as their plane had been delayed by 8 or so hours so they arrived early in the morning. When they got up to go and find out about breakfast around 9am they were told they had to be out of their tooms by 10 am - the hotel could easily have said have your breakfast we will service your room a little later - instead these guests checked out determined not to spend a cent in the hotel and ate at a cafe close by - the hotel missed out on over $100.00 as they were a party of 4 - a little empathy here would have worked wonders.

To find out what our guests are saying about Waihi Beach Lodge

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