Tuesday, May 31, 2011

RWC 2011 and Waihi Beach

Tonight we are hosting a photographer from Italy who is out here to take photos to use in publicity for the coming RWC 2011. The plan is to take him up to the Waihi Athletic Rugby club in Waihi and let him loose with his camera. I have no idea what will come of this but hopefully it will offer readers  an insight into the kiwi national game, the kiwis who play it and kiwis in general.

His brief is to show readers a story about rugby in New Zealand through images.These images will relased throughout Europe in many publications to show what can be seen and done in between games in the coming RWC 2011.

In Waihi he will watch the guys train and get up a real close view of how rural kiwis do their rugby thing and as they say "a picture tells a thousand words."

If you want more information on the RWC 2011 at Waihi Beach check out www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/activities.html

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