Monday, January 16, 2012

Guests at Waihi Beach Lodge

Orakawa Beach

"You don't know how the other half live" as the saying goes.

Recently we had a couple of wonderful guests - their jobs were working on a super yacht and presently their one was in for repairs & fine tuning in Auckland. They were working for an owner who lives in Monaco and this was one of his two super yachts - they are here in NZ until April when they have to take the yacht  to Tahiti and sometime later in the year they will end up in Alaska - what a way to see the world!

Both had key roles - one was the skipper and his wife is the chef out of a total crew of 9 and they loved stopping in NZ and getting provisions and getting the yacht ship shape so they can take off again when the time is right. They were using their down time to get out and see a little more of New Zealand

The owner can fly in at any time and they need to be ready to do meet his requests - entertaining guests, saling -all part of what they do on board.

For more info on Waihi Beach

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