Monday, January 9, 2012

Rena containers - Debris on Waihi Beach cleaned up

3.00pm - Not sure who to thank (Maritime NZ may be) but at our entrance and as far as the eye can see the beach has been cleaned up and all we have is 6 containers that can be seen  A big thank you to all those involved from us at the beach!

Maritime NZ must have sent it's workforce out because all the bags of milk powder and all the polystyrene that littered the beach are no longer visable - all bagged up ready to be collected. Remarkable effort when you consider the beach was a bombsite this morning!

The containers - well thats another story - not sure if trucks or helicpoters will need to be used to move them - I'm sure the powers that be will have that sorted.Cranes have been put in place just by 3 mile creek so may be they will be used.

For more info on Waihi Beach

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