Sunday, December 26, 2010

Driving to and from the Waihi Beach

have done a little driving this last week to and from Auckland once and to and from Auckland International airport once also.

Went to Auckland International airport to pick up my eldest son who was coming home for Xmas from Melbourne - reasonable traffic on the way up but a zoo once I got to the airport terminal - coming in just after mid night I thought everything thing would be sleepy and not so many people around - how wrong was I. The terminal had hundreds of people waiting for friends, family etc coming home for Xmas - I could not believe my eyes and getting a park took 15 minutes - Waihi Beach is a doddle in comparison.They were 3 deep around the entrance waiting to meet their loved ones.

The traffic on Xmas day was surprising - totally did not expect to see the numbers of cars on the road going up and certainly not out and about on Xmas day. There was a traffic jam for no apparent reason coming south at approx mid day around Manurewa - go figure stuck in traffic on Xmas day - thankfully not us.

Coming home was no better - people doing silly things - some driving too slowly and others way too fast. And the big rush is on boxing day - thanks heavens we did not wait until then and it would have been much worse.

For more info on driving times to and from Waihi Beach

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