Thursday, December 30, 2010

Miracle on the roads around Waihi Beach

Saw quite a freaky and scary accident on the way to Kauri Point this morning -It was heading towards Katikati approx 1 - 1.5 ks from the Waihi Beach turn off. I was on my way to get strawberries when I saw this car come straight across the centre line approx 100 metres in front of me go through a fence - do a roll and land on its 4 wheels and stop in the middle of the paddock on my side of the road.Stopped the car - could not find the hazzard flashers so just jumped the fence and ran across the paddock to see if I could help. Luckily so did 10 or so others who had seen the accident. The driver was a young mum with 2 kids strapped in the back seats in proper car restraints and all three were un harmed but in shock.
Managed to help calm the kids  and their mum whilst the ambulance was on its way and helped deliver them to the ambulance.

It was a miracle no one was injured as the car could easily have hit on coming traffic and there may have been horrific injuries. Thank heavens all were ok and unscathed and the car only had front fender trouble.

It also restores your faith in humanity - the help on the scene from passers by was really something else- strangers who wanted to help someone in need.

To find Waihi Beach

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