Sunday, December 19, 2010

Waihi Beach Fresh Produce Market

Had a day from hell today as there was going to be a big Waihi Beach Fresh Produce Market at the beach coinciding  with the Pumphouse Pistons having a car & motor bike show across the road at the Waihi Beach Hotel.

The day started out sort of ok with low cloud around the hills and we had our fingers crossed for some sun and no rain but for once the weather forecasters got it right and the longer the day went the wetter the day got. It was a pity as the market had a great selection of stall holders all ready and rearing to go but the rain was a real dampner. The variety on offer was great - fresh locally grown cherries, tomatoes, capsicums, lettuces, basil  and many more herbs, waffles, sausages on bread, mussell fritters, fresh coffee and ice creams, free range eggs, free range pork cuts, freshly smoked fish, freshly made bread and buns, wood fired pizzas, fresh flowers and locally made cheeses and much much more.

Fingers crossed for fine weather through summer

For more information on activities at Waihi Beach - 

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