Sunday, January 30, 2011

Waihi Beach Fresh Produce Market

Great to see the market at Waihi Beach on a Sunday morning going from strength to strength -good for Waihi Beach locals, visitors and the stall holders. Special thanks to the stall holders who have supported us here at the beach through awful wintry days with rain and wind - great sunny days like today go someway to rewarding their support.

Today there was everything from free range eggs to free range pork, whitebait, organic blueberries, all the seasons summer veges from lettuce and herbs through to watermelon and sweetcorn - wood fired pizzas and indian sumosas and smoked fish  and more- what choices to have to make.Then there's freshly baked breads or pull apart loaves with blue cheese or feta & spinich or a nice piece of slice.

For more info on activities at Waihi Beach

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