Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Waihi Beach Lodge Entrance signs

Some local visitors to Waihi Beach Lodge have trouble finding our front door and door bell.The fact that we have sign up stating "Entrance" with the door bell just underneath just goes over certain peoples heads so that  they just walk into the house or stand in the entrance way or walk up the side of the house. May be they have a blank moment- who would know??

We have had visitors walk up two flights of stairs into the guest lounge and apologise for being there and ask where reception is despite us having well appointed signs at reception and another sign advising that if there was no one at reception please ring the door bell.It's quite baffling as we have tried to make it easy for people especially guests to find their way round. It's not as if our front door is small - its much larger than most front doors.

Guests - most from overseas - actually find the front door and door bell easily ! For more information on Waihi Beach

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