Saturday, January 22, 2011

Waihi Beach- tragic deaths of 3 on SH2

The tripple tredgedy that happened last night on SH2 is sad for all of Waihi Beach. Everyone will know someone or know someone who knows someone and the grief will be right across the community.

The tragic thing is the accident was totally avoidable and needn't have happened - 3 immediate families would have been spared their loss, grief and sorrow - this now consumes them and their friends, family and the wider community.

As a dad who has lost a teenage daughter- you never get over it - you just learn to cope. The empty feeling stays with you for ever - you always wonder what might have been.

The whole thing is a waste - of their young lives and the life of a father, husband, brother, friend & mate - all cut short and we'll never know what was to be fulfillment of their futures. Also a waste of emergency services and police time - it was avoidable and need not have happened!

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