Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Christchurch Earthquake touches people at Waihi Beach

Today's earthquake in Christchurch is a real tragedy not only for the people of the city itself but also their families and friends all over New Zealand. We feel it and are with them in spirit but from far away we are helpless for the time being.We take forgranted being able to drink water, shower, use the toilet, turn on our lights, watch TV and cook our diiner - some of these folk can not do any of this at this time.

At Waihi Beach there are people with family, friends and business partners all tied up in the devastated city - people who have survived and are ok - but spare a thought for those who are still trapped and waiting to be found.We can not imagine their frustration and hope or the feelings theya re going through.

Also our thoughts and prayers go to those families who are displaced - yes they are alive & thats a bonus but being displaced can't be a great feeling. Offices & schools that can't open - sewerage systems and power that does work or can't be reconnected and roads with water coming up out of them.
Also our thoughts and prayers go to those families who are waiting to hear from their loved ones who are still to be accounted for - desparately awaiting the call from the authorities who may or may not have good news.

As a foot note there are at least a couple of locals from here at Waihi Beach on standby to go down to Christchurch to help in the civil defence effort.

Kia kaha to the people of Christchurch.

For more info on how to get to Waihi Beach www.waihibeachlodge.co.nz/map.html

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