Monday, February 28, 2011

Christchurch Earthquake

There is far more damage throughout the garden city than we could ever imagine. It looks like a bomb was dropped on the city- the devastation is really widespread.The mayor Bob Parker is talking at least 5 times greater damage than the September earthquake - the infrastructure shattered!

The attached is a clip from Ali's nephew's friend who took the video while riding around Christchurch streets a few days after the quake - quite telling and very real!

I received a message on Saturday morning from a friend who lives out in the suburbs - they had just got power back on but had no water or sewerage and their house was sort of livable but with large cracks, broken windows and liquification to boot. Add to that there is a large cliff close by and they are not sure how stable this is so they may have to move out for a while whilst things get sorted but they are alive. They went to great lengths to say how lucky they were and they were alive - as we now know some were not that lucky and you can replace houses and buildings. Looking at the NZ Herald page 3 today there is a shot of Redcliffs and you can really see what they mean about the cliff looking unstable
For more information on how to find Waihi Beach

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