Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tourists - treat them as customers

In recent days we have had guests that have had appalling treatment from hotels and rental car companies when they have arrived in Auckland.

In one instance a hotel had guests in a room above a night club  and there was only 1 window that opened into what turned out to be the hotel gym. When the guests were woken @ 2.30am with the noise from the night club after much protesting they were shifted  many floors away  to a room where they could not hear the noise and had regulation windows. My question is why they were ever put into the room as it was right above a the night club and was always going to be a problem when they could easily have been put into the room the ended up in and no hassles - our guests do not have nice things to say about the hotel.

In another instance our guests arrived at the rental car company at the international airport in Auckland- a nationwide company - and asked for a map only to be told they had run out. A similar answer  was given when asked if they could hire a GPS - we've run out - people arriving in a country where they don't know their way round and they are offerred no help. The rental car company did not even accompany the guests to their car for the initial inspection- just very poor customer service all round.

Sometimes companies forget who their customers are!

For more information on Waihi Beach and how to get here 

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